Why Regular Maintenance of Your Dryer Vent is Important


Dryer Vent MaintenanceYour dryer vent is one of those things you just don’t think about until it comes time to remove the debris it has collected before throwing in the next load of clothes. Unfortunately, these periodic cleanings by hand are not enough to prevent the potential dangers caused by dryer vents.


According to the National Fire Data Center maintained by the United States Fire Administration, fires caused by dryer vents cause an average of 51 deaths and 380 injuries in home fires each year. The organization also estimates property damage valued at $236 million dollars caused by faulty dryer vents annually. This is usually due to clogged debris in the dryer vent and lack of routine preventive maintenance.


All Air and Heat recommends that all homeowners arrange for an annual professional cleaning of their dryer vents. This recommendation can vary depending on household size and how many days per week the clothes dryer is in operation.


How to Know When You Need to Clean Your Dryer Vent

Although you may not see visible debris on your dryer vent, the first indication that it needs attention is that your clothes do not come out dry at the end of running a normal cycle. Rather than automatically run a second cycle to complete the drying of your clothes, turn the dryer off and look at the vent. If it looks fine and your clothes are still not getting dry, consider professional service right away.


Here are some other indications that your dryer could benefit from professional vent cleaning:

  • Your clothes smell musty when you remove them from the dryer
  • Your clothes are so hot after a cycle in the dryer that you nearly burn your hands touching them
  • You notice an excessive build-up of heat in the laundry room when you run the dryer
  • You notice debris collecting in the opening outside of the dryer vent
  • You remove a greater amount of lint build-up each time you operate the dryer

Putting off professional dryer vent maintenance or repair can significantly reduce the lifespan of your machine. As noted above, it can also have disastrous and tragic consequences.


We encourage you to protect your investment and keep your family safe by contacting us today to schedule an appointment.